individual sessions (comfortable clothing is advised )  

nature coaching (90 minutes)  

During this session we will work in and with nature. This session will give you insights on certain questions or themes in your life and can help you to make choices. With a combination of different tools and techniques (a.o. relaxation, coaching, constellations with nature) we will make use of nature as a mirror and you will reconnect with your own inner nature. 

Price per session: €95,-


reiki healing (60-75 minutes)  

Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation. It is done by "laying on hands" and can work on different levels. It often feels like a wonderful glowing radiance that flows through your body. It is a healing technique and supports the self-healing capacities of your body. 

Price per session: €70,-

private yin yoga (60-75 minutes)  

Private yin is a fully customised individual yoga session in which you will make contact with your body, mind, emotions and energy. You will be guided and assisted through various yin yoga poses that are intuitively selected for you. Without saying, your wishes and possibilities will be honoured. Yin yoga can help you to feel more connection with your body, to feel and respect boundaries and to learn to listen to the wisdom of your body.
Price per session: €70,-

intuitive session (60-75 minutes)  

During an intuitive session your body, mind, heart & soul will be (re)balanced and (re)aligned. You will receive an extraordinary combination of Eastern and Western healing techniques that are intuitively chosen and suitable for you at the given moment (a combination of a.o. body/energy work and breathwork). This session will help you to relax, heal and can give you some beautiful insights.

Price per session: €70,-

Would you like to experience one or more of the above treatments?


book here
